Rebranding of a restaurants chain with Japanese philosophy
- 1st pace — Retail Branding
POPAI Russia Award, 2019 г.
However, the brand with this name lost its face and began to be perceived as an ordinary chain cafe, where there was no spirit of Japan. So we decided to bring Wabi Sabi back to its roots, adding authenticity to it.
The visual concept was inspired by the Japanese quarters with their light signs and mostly vertically oriented composition which is unusual for the European eye. Asymmetry also breaks in rhythm and a combination of such materials as fabric and concrete adds contrast in textures. LINII designers deliberately put a little negligence in logo that refers to the principles of Wabi Sabi.

The visual concept was inspired by the Japanese quarters with their bright signs and composition, which is unusual for the European eye (mostly vertically oriented), as well as by asymmetry, breaks in rhythm and a combination of materials that contrast in texture (fabric and concrete). In the logo, our designers deliberately put a little carelessness that refers to the principles of Wabi-Sabi.
The developed concept responds to the needs of the modern audience, which is in constant search for new experiences and reacts sharply to everything that is not real.

For the corporate palette LINII desighers chose a combination of warm concrete and bright coral. Almost all such establishments use a rigid combination of black, white and red.

Почитать подробнее о «кухне» проекта:
Вернуть дух Японии: LINII завершили ребрендинг «Ваби Саби».
Награда за ребрендинг «Ваби Саби» и «Кофе Хауз».