Merch design development for MKB's (Credit Bank of Moscow) IT department
Struggles for strong IT specs are on top. At the same time, both tangible and intangible incentives are used to create interest and retain the best employees.

Increasingly, original merchandise, which is used by brands for competitive rivalry, is becoming a kind of tool for increasing loyalty.

While merch creating, we came up with a concept called "Code is a weapon". Within this concept IT Specialists appear as people who are often in shadows, but without whom the bank cannot exist.
Based on this metaphor, LINII developed not just merchandise, but a full-fledged toolkit, a corporate identity for the bank's IT department. The MKB's logo has become a pattern - it resembles Japanese hieroglyphs and signs of clan affiliation (mons).

The corporate palette consists of red with a raspberry hue and dark purple, almost inky. It refers to the aesthetics of industrial and urbanism.

Code is a weapon graphics can be seen on t-shirts and hoodie sleeves. It contains everyday life jargon words of IT People: hardcore, page up, not found and others.

We paid special attention to copywriting in the project. Words play — softwear/software — is hidden in hats and scarves. The mittens are inscribed: dropleft and dropright — for right and left hands. The formulas Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are printed on slippers, and the sleep masks have the corresponding phrases: Wake up! Backup! Reloading, Friendly inter_face, Sleep mode.

Quotes from the Matrix cult movie are, as it were, "hardwired" into graphics with the same name. In addition, we have designed a whole series of mono-symbols inspired by the stories of Japanese clans.